Ways To Make Your Solar Panel Installation Even More Eco-Friendly

Solar panels are often touted as a great way to go green, but like many other popular items, their production can sometimes suffer from mass-production-related issues. And different types of panels, different wiring systems, and so on can affect how efficient and eco-friendly your array is. Here are some ways to make your solar panel installation even more eco-friendly.

1. Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

If you're looking for a green lifestyle and not just a lower electric bill, you'll need to check up on the manufacturing processes used for any solar panels you buy. Mass production of solar panels can come along with some harmful chemicals, and disposing of those correctly could take time, effort, and money.

Try to find one that has plenty of transparency in the manufacturing process and always disposes of byproducts responsibly (and uses environmentally friendly sources for the materials it uses). Check to make sure the company protects its workers from any hazards as well.

2. Net Metering

During peak sun hours, your solar panels could be producing much more electricity than you need to run your lights and HVAC. You can store some of this energy for less optimal conditions using storage batteries.

After your storage batteries are filled, you may be able to feed the excess power into the power grid. This net metering means that you can take advantage of all the energy your panels make, maximizing their effect on fossil fuel usage by offsetting some of the power used by others on the city grid. Of course, this only works if you have a connection to the power grid still.

3. Voltage Drop Minimization

Voltage drop is a term that refers to a slight energy loss that occurs between the solar panel and your electrical wiring system. The less voltage drop you have, the more efficient your array will be, maximizing its eco-friendly effect. You can minimize voltage drop by:

  • Keeping the wiring run short
  • Using higher voltage and larger electrical wires
  • Having a professional help you design your system with the best inverter placement

While some solar arrays can be relatively straightforward to install, complications such as voltage drop mean that you'll need a professional for installation if you want not only the safest results, but also the best efficiency.

4. More Efficient Panels

Although selecting a more affordable style of panel is tempting, solar panels on the low end may be only 14-15% efficient. Higher-end panels could be 22-23% efficient, making them much more effective at capturing green energy. In fact, a panel with 21% efficiency could provide half again as much power as a lower-end panel.

As you can see, you have some choices to make as you plan your solar panel installation, and your decisions could greatly affect the output and eco-friendliness of your solar array. For more information, contact your local solar panel expert today.
