Things To Know About Solar Panel Installation When You Are Part Of A Homeowner's Association

Once you move into a gated community, you could end up joining a homeowner's association. This organization is tasked with prioritizing the wellbeing of all residents in the community, and some of the responsibilities that the association has include managing shared areas, upholding the value of the residents, and even providing supplementary services to the residents. Keeping that in mind, the homeowner's association is also responsible for coming up with rules and regulations that govern the community as well as enforcing them.

But while these rules are supposed to be for the greater good, you may find yourself in disagreement with their regulations when it comes to home improvements, as most HOAs try to ensure there is uniformity when it comes to the aesthetics of the community. Thus, you could be thinking that the installation of solar panels on your roof is out of the question but this may not be the case. Here are a few things to know about solar panel installation when you are part of a Homeowner's Association.

Are solar panels allowed by Homeowners' Associations? 

While different Homeowners' Associations will have varying rules regarding solar panel installation, it is important to note that you should never be expressly forbidden from making the switch to this energy source for a couple of reasons. Not only does the installation of solar panels benefit the environment but it also decreases your utility costs, so it should be your prerogative to make this investment. Admittedly, the main reason some associations may be against the installation of solar panels is that they assume they will degrade the visual appeal of the gated community.

However, this is no longer the case since these panels are available in a wide range of cosmetically pleasing options. Hence, you can rest assured that you can find solar panels that complement the aesthetic of the houses in your neighborhood. Legally speaking, some states have enacted laws that prevent HOAs from restricting their members from installing energy-efficient power sources as long as they own the land they reside in. Nevertheless, there are a few HOA rules that you may need to adhere to.

What HOA rules would affect solar panel installation?

While your HOA may not expressly ban you from installing solar panels, you may have to adhere to a few regulations that they set in place. For starters, the location of the solar panels may have to be decided by the Homeowner's Association, as the committee wants to ensure that the panels do not obstruct other neighbors.

Secondly, there could be a maximum size of solar panels that you are permitted to install. To be on the safe side, it is best to submit an application to the HOA describing your intent to install solar panels. You will then receive feedback on how best to go about this project.

To learn more about solar panels, contact a company like Tekton Power and Technology.
